Sunday, 12 October 2014

Fido's Kitchen: Banana and Peanut Butter Flapjacks

Hi guys! So glad to be back and today I have something a little bit different for you. It's a recipe for some home made dog treats that are much tastier and nutritionally rich than your standard dog treats you can get at your local pet shop.

There are many benefits to making your own treats for your pooch. You know precisely what is in them and you can adapt the recipe to suit your fur babies needs. For example I have seen similar recipes that use flour as the base. My pooch is wheat intolerant so I went with oats instead... it's as easy as that.

Not only do these smell great when you bake them but I guarantee your fur baby will go mad for these chewy-peanut-buttery-banana pieces of goodness.

To get started you will need:
100g Oats
1x Banana
2 TBS Peanut butter
1 TBS Natural yogurt
1x Egg

1) Preheat your oven to 180°C.
2) Peel your banana and mash it in a bowl using a fork. Don't worry about it being completely smooth  , the odd lump of banana is fine.

3) Set your bananas aside. Over a low heat you want to slowly and gently melt your peanut butter in a saucepan.

4) Once it has reached a runny consistency, add your bananas to the saucepan.

5) Combine the two ingredients thoroughly.

6) Add the oats to the pan and mix again.

7) At this point I turned the heat off and removed the pan from the heat. I then add the egg to the mixture and stored it in well.

8) You are looking for a consistency that is similar to flapjacks you would make for yourself. You need to be able to spread the mixture but it definitely shouldn't be runny. If your mixture is slightly to dry add the yogurt in. If your mixture is to wet, add some more oats until it becomes the right consistency again.

9) Transfer your flapjack mixture to a lightly greased pan or baking tray and spread evenly. Mine were only about 1cm thick.

10) Put your tray of flapjacks into the oven and bake fore 10- 12 minutes. Look for the tops to change colour, they should go a couple of shades darker before they are done. You can also press the centre of the flapjacks, if they are done they will be somewhat firm.

11) After taking them out of the oven, you want to immediately cut the flapjacks in the pan to the size you want your treats to be. I got about 32 square treats from this batch.

12) Leave them to cool slightly before removing them from the pan. This will give them a chance to get a little firmer and they will not break so easily.

13) Once they are cool enough to remove, place them on a wire cooling rack to completely cool down before storing them.

14) You want to store these in an air tight container to keep them fresh. I find recycled glass jars work brilliantly for this and cost nothing or you can just use any kind of Tupperware you have laying about the kitchen!

So simple, quick and easy. Why not spoil your pet and try this recipe out for yourself!

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