Sunday, 2 November 2014

What's In My Yoga Bag

Yoga Tote and Rolled Matt

Yoga is one of my favourite ways to work out. It works all of your muscles in your body, strengthening and stretching them and wether you are at home or in a class, I guarantee you will finish your routine feeling calm, relaxed and ready to take on anything.

Homemade Yoga Tote

You can do yoga anywhere, really anywhere. Even in the smallest of flats, if you have space to roll your matt out then you have space to do a yoga work out at home! Being able to work out at home is brilliant. It can be a time and money saver and for yoga you don't need much equipment if any (if you have carpets in your home then you don't even need the matt!).

I do also really enjoy going to classes and when I do this is what I like to take with me in my yoga bag.

Sony Headphones
First of all I like to take my headphones and phone. Of course I don't use my headphones during the class but I am fortunate enough to be within walking distance of my favourite classes and I like to listen to music as I walk to and from.

The second thing I like to keep in my yoga bag is my phone arm band. The one you can see in the image below is called the Tune Belt. Its a very affordable arm band that holds your phone and also stores your headphones neatly. The great thing about this one in particular is the clear window which allows you to use your phone whilst it is inside of the arm band. My armband also comes in very handy when I am going out for a jog or a dog walk as there is just enough room for me to slide my house key down the back and a poop bag for pooch.
Tune Belt and Run Keeper App

Whatever exercise I am doing, I like to track using the app Run Keeper. It's free and available on android and apple. You can put in whatever type of exercise you are doing (yoga,walk, run, tennis etc.) the app will track your distance and route using GPS and it will calculate the calories you have burned. It keeps a long list of all the activities you have completed and is a great way to set yourself goals and keep motivated.

Nivea Lip Balm, Headband and Tea Tree Face Wipes
The third set of things I like to keep in my yoga bag are to keep me feeling comfortable during or after my class. I like to keep a stretchy headband close by so I can keep all of my hair of my face. Refreshing face wipes are essential for me. Not all of the classes that I go to are in gyms so often there are no shower facilities, meaning you have to get home before you can wash all that hard work off your body. So after I finish up I like to use a face wipe or baby wipe just to get the sweat of my face and make me a bit more comfortable until I'm home. The ones I am using at the moment are some cheap tea tree wipes that I picked up in the supermarket. I also like to throw a lip balm into my bag just in case I need to relieve chapped lips.

Water Bottle, Towel, H&M Yoga Pants and Top
Water! The most important thing to take with you no matter what kind of work out class you are going to. I don't use a fancy water bottle and tend to just refill plastic ones. I like to take a small hand towel with me for the same reason I like to have face wipes. The towel comes in very handy during a class to wipe away sweat or you can use it to help stop your hands from slipping on your matt.

Lastly I like to take a change of warmer clothes for afterwards. Here I just have a lightweight jumper that I like to through on and a pair of yoga pants.

These are my essentials for going to a yoga class or any kind of work out class, alongside a few other items like my house keys and purse.

What are your work out essentials ?

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